IBCLC & Food Allergy Consultant

Mrika Harrigan, IBCLC
The biggest trait you need to know about Mrika?
She’s ready to serve your family with lactation, pumping, and nutrition expertise!
Free to Feed offers a robust group of consultants ready to meet your feeding needs and Mrika offers significant expertise in pumping, lactation, and infant food allergies. Mrika’s passionate about helping families — and always has been. She supports parents on their food allergy journeys with education and guidance. It’s about backing up YOUR goals.
Mrika believes parents absolutely know their babies best. She’s eager to guide your family on the path to healing while offering valuable resources you need along the way. Free to Feed offers evidenced-based answers that get results, and Mrika’s ready to lead your family forward.
How Mrika's History Led to Supporting Families With Infant Food Allergies
Born and raised in Falls Church, Virginia, Mrika knew right out of high school she wanted to make a positive impact on the world by helping others. Even though she wasn’t exactly sure how — community health & education quickly became her path.
After several years of working in the health and wellness space, moving across the country with her husband in the Navy, and welcoming their first little one, Mrika quickly realized she wanted to focus her support in helping parents navigate baby feeding challenges. Having experienced her own challenges as a new mom navigating breastfeeding, pumping etc., and as a military spouse with few available lactation resources at the time, Mrika decided she wanted to pivot the direction of her health education work. She began researching the next steps to becoming a lactation supporter/consultant and also how she could increase access to lactation support for fellow military families in her community.

In addition to breastfeeding challenges, her son suffered from severe colic and eczema — which she now believes was undiagnosed infant food allergies. She really wishes she’d run into Free to Feed a few years ago when her son was a baby. “It probably would have reduced the many days filled with inconsolable crying (sometimes for mom too) and trying ointment after ointment for his eczema,” she says. “It was so hard.”
Her Expertise Supports Successfully Breastfeeding Your Food Allergy Baby
Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health/Health Education (George Mason University)
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Certified Lactation Counselor
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist
Breast Pump Consultant/Expert
Certified Health Education Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer/Women's Fitness Specialist
Certified Nutrition Coach
Need great guidance on pumping? Fret not, we have solutions.
We have SO many families who are food allergy warriors that exclusively pump — massive kudos to all of you. With Mrika on our team, we have so much more knowledge about pumping. Mrika has worked with a DME company that works with fellow Tricare beneficiaries/military families to assist them in selecting and ordering their pump through insurance. During this journey, Mrika was the recipient of just about every pump on the market. She has several demo pumps on-hand which she can use to help you learn to pump effectively and efficiently.
Mrika’s passionate about parents' health and education behind eliminating foods. Her additional education as a nutrition coach helps you safely nourish yourself and your baby. She doesn’t want your family to suffer a second longer!
With Mrika on your side, you’ll feel supported and ready to take on another day with your sweet baby.
We’re pausing to shout “HOORAY” for a Certified Breast Pump Consultant on Our Team!
We have SO many families who are food allergy warriors that exclusively pump — massive kudos to all of you. Now with Mrika on our team, we have so much more knowledge about pumping. (But no, we can't tell you why it’s named a flange. I mean, flange? Really?)
Mrika’s passionate about parents' health and education behind eliminating foods. Her additional education as a nutrition coach helps you safely nourish yourself and your baby. She doesn’t want your family to suffer a second longer!
With Mrika on your side, you’ll feel supported and ready to take on another day with your sweet baby.

Mrikas Advice to Parents Who Just Found Out Their Baby Has Food Allergies
“Hang in there! Parenthood isn’t easy and adding food allergies makes things even more complicated. It’s ok to experience a wide range of emotions after finding out your little one has an allergy. Seek out support by finding a care team that truly listens and supports your journey. Don’t forget your own mental and emotional support either. It truly takes a village and having help as you navigate baby food allergies can be so valuable.”
“Also, as challenging as it can be to do — try to release any guilt you might be feeling as a parent. It can be hard not to feel like we missed something or could have done something differently. It’s so important to remember that you’re doing the best you can for your child — and you are the best parent for your child!”
Mrikas Motivation to Support Breastfeeding Parents Through Infant Food Allergies
“Supporting families during their infant feeding journeys is something I am dedicated to — whatever that might look like for each family. My goal is to support families as they navigate food allergies and do anything in my power to help reduce the stress that they are experiencing.
I also feel passionate about finding ways to keep mom fed and nourished while she figures out what might be triggering her infant’s food allergies. Helping parents reintroduce their favorite foods into their diet while maintaining a healthy, happy baby is one of the biggest motivators for me!
What Mrika Wishes People Understood About Baby Food Allergies
“I wish that people understood how often parents are dismissed or given temporary diagnoses like colic as opposed to being listened to. Parents feel like they are over-reacting when they bring attention to their concerns and are dismissed.
I wish more providers would truly listen to offer individualized care based on the family’s unique needs and goals.. It needs to be acknowledged that parents are the experts when it comes to their children and care.”.
Get Support.
Gain Confidence.
You’re Not Alone!
We’re thrilled to introduce more dedicated and educated food allergy experts to your family!
Book A Consult with Mrika Now!