

(Meet Dana)
our Middle East Healthcare & Arabic-speaking consultant!
عن دانا


Dana’s Story Begins Like Many Free to Feed Families We Support
In her home country of Jordan, Dana grew up loving dance, music, and children, (still does). She used to work in a Montessori school because children have always brought her the most joy.
She became a first-time mom in 2010 after marrying her love, Khaled. When her son Ahmad was born, she chose to breastfeed and joyfully did so. She noticed he had eczema and mucus in his stools, but was told “it’s normal” as a new parent. (Who can relate?)
When she started to introduce solids, life got scary fast. One afternoon while the family was in the kitchen making eggs for lunch, Khaled was holding Ahmad and Dana noticed Ahmad’s little face swelling. Horrified they watched his eyes disappear in his flushed skin. Simply being in the kitchen cooking eggs — triggered this severe allergic reaction.
Dana Al-Salah
After rushing him to the ER, the doctors were baffled. With limited training on food allergies (totally normal for medical schools), they were convinced he had lactose intolerance. She was told to stop breastfeeding. It could be food allergies, but they really didn’t know. She left confused, without guidance, and worried, like many other families.
Similar to the determined parents we help, this answer wasn’t good enough. Dana started doing her own research and, like our fearless founder, Dr. Trill – it led her to the global food allergy community.
Dana’s Unique Experience and Education Offer Valuable Insight for Food Allergy Families
Since 2010, Dana has immersed herself in everything you can possibly think of when it comes to food allergies. She started reading every free article she could get her hands on. Next, she started paying for courses and webinars.
Ahmad was later diagnosed with food allergies and is severely allergic to dairy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. Her second son Mohammad, born in 2014, was diagnosed with food allergies. (Dana had him tested before introducing any solids). She kept educating herself and digging deeper into this community. She pushed on with her research and breastfeeding, even when doctors told her she shouldn’t nurse anymore.
Believe it or not, her third child and only daughter, Haya has no food allergies. Zip, notta — and why? We don’t know. All the more reason more research needs to be done on food allergies to give families answers.
Learning about food allergies to protect her own family’s health and safety changed the course of her life. Now, she’s passionate about helping families like yours.
Years later — and with serious courage — she went back to the same doctors who steered her wrong. This time, she carried knowledge backed by science and experience. Incredibly, they welcomed her with open arms and committed to spreading food allergy awareness throughout the Middle East & world.
Her Outstanding Accomplishments in the Food Allergy Community:
1st Food Allergen Management Coach (Middle East)
Founded Food Allergy Network (Jordan)
Founded Allerliving
Won Arab Change Makers Award 2022 (For Food Allergy Awareness)
Provides Allergy Awareness and Training programs to the Community
Board member - Celiac & Non-Celiac Care Providers Society
ServeSafe Certified
She doesn’t plan to stop adding to these accomplishments either. As she describes, “I’m hungry for more knowledge to help other families.” She’s attended countless conferences and now serves as a speaker at seminars educating parents to empower them on their path caring for food-allergic children. She was honored on MBC in Dubai when she won the Arab Change Makers Award!
Dana Understands Like Only a Food Allergy Parent Can
Dana’s the kind of person who, during her downtime, digs into her “to-do list” of webinars, podcasts, and articles about food allergies…no joke!
That is — if she isn’t staying up extra late making allergy-friendly snacks or treats for her boys. We all know being a parent isn’t easy. And a parent with a food allergy little one truly has next-level challenges. Something as “simple” as a birthday party is a different world for food allergy families.
It’s working away in the kitchen after texting the host what the food will be so you can mimic it as close as possible to what the other kids are having.
It’s trying to distract your kid at the party when they say, “I want the cake everyone else is having.”
It’s putting on a brave face when your friend at the celebration says, “You must be used to this.” You are, but your heart still breaks every time your baby misses a “normal” part of childhood.
It’s smiling at your severe food allergic child when you send them out into the world alone. Inside you’re terrified.
It’s never giving up and showing your kids the most normal life possible.
Dana’s a food allergy parent, just like you, who brings her love and expertise to Free to Feed™.
Her heart goes out, not only to parents but their children. She also loves helping kids understand that it’s okay to have food allergies, so they can build their own confidence. She’s teaching her sons to be open about their allergies, so other kids understand why they've never had a Snickers bar before. Learning kind, clear communication at a young age sets up children for the rest of their lives.
Combined, Dana's sons are allergic to dairy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. Since Haya can have dairy, they do bring milk into their home. Of course, it has a large “X” on it and hides behind vegetables to deter the boys. (Dana is one smart mama!)
Haya, at the young age of 6, understands the seriousness of her brother's allergies. When she drinks cow’s milk or has snacks her brothers can’t eat – she changes her shirt, goes into a separate room to eat or drink, puts her “allergy-free” shirt back on, washes her hands — and then goes to play with her brothers. Talk about a rock-star little sister!
Admittedly, She and her husband Khaled indulge in some allergies when all the kids are asleep. Do you know why? Because sometimes they want to eat the food their kids can’t have and that’s okay. It’s not often and as Dana describes, “our home is safe and is very normal. I tell my kids there is an alternative to every flavor in the world because I believe there is.”
Dana’s Ready to Serve Our Arabic-Speaking Food Allergy Families
Food allergies don’t care who you are, where you live, or what language you speak. As our network grows across the world, reaching families in their native language matters more than ever. It’s hard enough dealing with complicated allergies, so removing the language barrier helps us truly support your family.
Dana’s culture and language connects with the many Arabic-speaking families looking for expert insight and guidance. Food-allergy-obsessed in the best way possible, she’s a natural choice as we expand our team. We’re deeply honored to have her with us.
We’re excited about the serious dedication and support Dana brings to our food allergy families. Our growing team is here to SERVE YOU.
مرحبا! اسمي دانا وأنا أم لثلاثة أطفال رائعين، ٢ منهم يعاني من حساسية طعام متعددة .
اكتشفت حساسية ابني الاكبر بالصدفة عندما كان عمره حوالي ١٠ اشهر ، فقد رضع احمد رضاعة طبيعية مطلقة لا تقل عن السنة. و معذالك و في خلال بدء مرحلة ادخال الطعام الصلب، (والتي اعتقدت انها ستكون مرحلة ممتعة، )كان أحمد يصاب بردود فعل تحسسية مع كللقمة!
لم اكتفي بالمعلومات التي قدمت لي في ذالك الفترة، لم يكن التشخيص واضحاً لي من جميع الجهات، كانت المعلومات مظللة.. فكل الذيسمعته و قيل لي من قبل الاخضائيين هو؛ "ابنك يعاني من نوع من انواع التحسس و عليك ان تنتظري ثلاث سنوات من اجل ان يتمالتشخيص بشكل واضح نظراً لصغر سنه..
بعد بضع سنوات ، أنجبت ابني الثاني، و بعد فترة اكتشفنا أنه هو ايضا يعاني من الحساسية الغذائية. رُزقت بعدها بطفل ثالث ، بنتجميلة هذه المرة ، والحمد لله لا تعاني من اي نوع من انواع الحساسية!
مرّت ايام و سنوات صعبه علي كأم لأطفال يعانون من حساسية تجاه الطعام مصممة على الرضاعة الطبيعية، فقد وجدت نفسي في عالم لاأعرف عنه شيئًا و لا اجد المساعدة و لا الدعم الذي اطمح بهما.
و من هنا .. أمضيت كل دقيقة يمكنني ايجادها في البحث و العلم و التعرف على كل ما يمكنني تعلمه و فعله لاكمل مسيرتي كأم طبيعية.
في عام 2016 ، بعد أن أدركت أنني أشارك مصيري مع العديد من العائلات من حولي ومن حول العالم، قررت أن أنقل معرفتي وشغفيبحساسية الطعام إلى مستوى آخر.. .
أصبحت أول مدربة و مستشارة في إدارة الحساسية الغذائية و ادارتها. أسست
Food Allergy Network Jordan (FAN-J) رابطة أصدقاء الحساسية and Allerliving - للتوعية بالحساسية الغذائية والتعليموالدعم.
تجربتي العلمية والعملية المباشرة في الحفاظ على سلامة أطفالي وصحتهم هي السبب وراء فهمي للصعوبات التي تمر بها الأمهاتوالعائلات.
اتطلع على كل حالة كحاله لوحدها وأقدم للامهات و العائلات دعم و وسائل لتخطي مرحلة رحلة الحساسية و ذالك من خلال المعلومات القائمةعلى البحث العلمي.
لكل أم لديها طفل يعاني من حساسية طعام" انتي لست وحدك"
التعليم هو المفتاح .. التعلم يبدأ من عندك!
تواصلي معنا..
