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Exciting Insights from the 2023 Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) Summit

Little girl pointing at FARE 2023 Summit Key Takeaways Image

Dr. Trill came back from this year's FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) Summit with loads to share! We know as concerned parents, you’re constantly searching for specific items and info that your family needs.

From finding a safe flour substitute you can actually cook with to an alternative cheese replacement, resources matter to your family. We always think of you as we discover and learn new things, so here’s the latest scoop on FARE 2023 ICYMI!

FARE is the largest privately funded food allergy resource out there. Their mission? Simple: improve life and health for our food allergy community. This includes research, education, resources, treatments, and more.

Today we talk more about FARE, two big research takeaways, and tons of allergy-friendly resources for your family.

Learn More About FARE & How They Help

For the past ten years, FARE has been advocating in every realm of food allergies. They fight for important legislative steps to ensure millions of us with food allergies in the US stay safe. They’re a privately funded nongovernmental organization doing incredible work for food allergy families.

Some amazing ways Food Allergy Research & Education supports our community:

As of 2022, FARE is…

  • Investing 100 million dollars into food allergy research.

  • Adapting the FARE registry, the largest food allergy registry in the U.S.

  • Playing a vital role in passing the FASTER (Food Allergy Safety Treatment Education and Research) ACT. This makes sesame the 9th allergy recognized by the FDA.

  • Promoting the Teal Pumpkin Project so food allergy children don’t have to miss out on the fun of Halloween.

  • Developing more than 50 FARE Clinical Network Sites where over 250,000 food allergy patients get treatment.

  • Launching over 46 clinical trials.

The best thing about all of this? Their crucial work helps families live healthier and better while navigating food allergies. We know the road can be long and winding — and the impact of helpful resources and education brings much-needed peace to our lives.

FARE holds annual summits to bring top professionals in the field of food allergies together. It’s a time to reflect, learn from the latest research, explore new resources, and bring hope to food allergy families. Now we’re going to share Dr. Trill’s biggest takeaways from 2023 FARE Summit!

Cutting-Edge Allergy Research

  1. DBV Technologies is developing Viaskin (epicutaneous immunotherapy [EPIT] to re-educate the immune system through the skin).

    1. Trill’s Take: This is essentially a skin patch which may reduce IgE mediated food allergies. They are in Phase III trials for peanut, Phase II for cow’s milk, and Pre-Clinical for egg so be on the lookout for each patch to be released in that order pending study results!

  2. Aquestive: orally delivered epinephrine

    1. Trill’s Take: Imagine Listerine-like mouth strip, but for anaphylaxis treatment. 🤯 The company has completed 6 clinical trials and are aiming for FDA submission in 2024.

  3. Allergenis: epitope testing for peanut now available and working on cow’s milk protein and more

    1. Trill’s Take: Determining exactly which portion of a food protein you are reactive to which is helpful for things like introductions and ladders. You can snag their peanut test through your provider or on their website today!

Teal ribbons in adult and child's hands

Insightful Sessions & FREE Resources

  1. Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC: 6 Stages of Allergy Parenting Download her 🆓 6 Stages of Allergy Parenting handout. The 6 Stages of Food Allergy Parenting framework was developed by licensed clinical therapist Tamara Hubbard, LCPC and adapted from Ellen Galinsky's research. Unlike guidelines focused on the food allergic child's development, this framework explores parenting goals for each age/stage, with a specific focus on building awareness of how parental emotions and actions impact a child’s ability to develop food allergy self-efficacy skills. Information for all 6 stages are included in this free 7-page download!

  2. Janine Flannery, The Allergy Aspect: Eosinophilic Esophagitis An insightful blog, The Allergy Aspect, aims to share a bit of perspective living with many anaphylactic food allergies, eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE), and orthostatic intolerance. It is Janine’s goal, like so many others, for her family to live fully. To achieve this she is continuously in pursuit of balance in all aspects of life. It’s on her blog she shares her thoughts on how her family lives as close to balanced as they can, and how making meaningful connections with others living similar lives helps them along the way.

  3. Merrill Debbs, Red Sneakers for Oakley: Advocacy in Your Community Red Sneakers for Oakley (RSFO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established in 2016 after Oakley Debbs tragically passed away due to an anaphylactic allergic reaction. RSFO is grounded in the sense that education is desperately needed between allergists, hospitals, first-responders, parents, schools, and the general public. The foundation has dedicated its resources to education and advocacy for food allergy awareness to save lives across the globe. Did you know these food allergy stats…❓

    • One in six children will have a reaction at school.

    • Every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room.

    • Pediatric hospitalizations for food allergy tripled between the late 1990s and the mid-2000s.

    • Nearly 11% of adults have food allergies.

Helpful Allergy Books

  1. Can You by Emily Dudly (kids)

  2. Penny and the Peanut by Micaa Thomas (kids)

  3. Just One Bite by Meghan Neri (adult)

  4. Dr. Trill’s Plate e-Cookbook by Free to Feed - 50+ recipes free of the top 12 infant allergies. 12 breakfasts, 20 lunch & dinners, 11 desserts, and 8 misc. recipes like alternative milks and dressings.

Emerging and Existing Allergy-Friendly Brands

  1. Applegate - So often we see preservatives and fillers in meat that make it challenges for a mother on an elimination diet. If you don’t know of them already, meet Applegate! They offer natural & organic meats - free of many fillers and preservatives (we’re looking at you rosemary extract in deli meats).

  2. Only What You Need (OWYN) - Plant based protein that is (IgE) top 8 allergen free!

  3. Partake Foods - Safe to share cookies and treats that are free of the (IgE) top 9 allergens. Now we can get behind that! Try their cookies, grahams, and breakfast mixes…

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